Monday, June 4, 2007

The Frog Tree 6/3

So late last night I finished the coding to get this blog working and was dying to go do something after staring at a screen for 5 hours not playing wow. So I fired up the interwebs and lo and behold! A Geocache right in my back yard. At the Frog Tree no less! The Frog Tree is a tiny wind blown tree on the ridge between Kristin's house and mine. I have spent many an hour hanging out with people under that tree and was stoked to know about the geocache!

SO, Sean and I threw on our shoes and charged up the overgrown path I used to use in my days of a Middle Schooler. Did i mention it was around 9:00 PM and dark? I get slapped in the face with a tree and press on only to be stopped by Sean, "uhhh... wasn't that poison oak you just stuck your face in?" Thank God for Technu! We plowed straight up the hill to Frog Tree and realized the error of not bringing a flash light. We could not find the cache for the life of us. Luckily we were able to call Kristin, who looked up the exact location online, officially making this a TEAM INFERNO (WOO!) event! Sean eventually found the Altoid tin, just in time for me to stick my face in another poison oak bush looking for the stupid thing. I dropped in an Iris pin from work and took a cool coin.. i think it is chinese? Funny that this is only cache number 8 for me... Expect the number to double by the end of the week!

Right click here (or option click) to download the KML file for Google Earth!
Click here to open Google Maps in New Window!

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