Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Father's Day 6/17

Oh man! I have been soooooo busy with work and traveling that I have barely had any time to relax or update blogness! But Here we go! Happy Father’s Day to Dads! We went on a hike up above Mt. Tam!

The hike started with trouble as we locked the keys in the car, it was hot out and the parents were a little under the weather so I won’t blame them, lol. We hiked down the hill to find a few Geocaches. One was by a bridge and another across a fallen tree bridge. Both my mom and dad got pretty excited about the whole Geocache thing, which was pretty cool. The first was located near an old corsair engine!

This inspired us to search for the rest of the wreckage, which was rumored to still be lying around. So, we scaled hills in the blistering heat, brushed against spiky scrubs and tumbled down valleys until we eventually found this neat little meditation spot. It was this old windblown tree surrounded by a rock wall and covered in all sorts of weird little trinkets.Anyway, we pressed on until we found our final Geocache... No wreckage tho... I wanted to bushwack to get home, but that made my mom very unhappy as she got a little beat up. They are getting old, but not old to the point that I can drive them through rough terrain for several hours! I hope to be as active when I am 50. After a lot of arguing we eventually got back to the car! Twas a great hike! Happy Pappys Day!

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